Sunday worship service 10:30 AM
Upcoming Events
- Tue, Apr 01
- Sun, Apr 06
- Sun, Apr 13
Mission Statement
Living fully, intentionally and compassionately and welcoming into the life and ministry of St. James; people of every age, gender, race, sexual orientation and gender identity, differing abilities, economic or cultural backgrounds as we journey together to be a hope-filled, faith community.
In fulfilling our mission, St. James United Church strives to provide its programs, ministries, and services in a way that respects the dignity and independence of people with disabilities. We are also committed to giving everyone the same opportunity to access our programs, ministries, and services and enabling everyone to benefit from the same services, in the same place, and in a similar way.
Your Neighbourhood Church since 1908
We are a genuinely welcoming community, striving to articulate and live out what it means to be a hope-filled, loving and compassionate faith community in this time and place. We are a community-based church offering ministry, community outreach, theatre and children's groups, all-inclusive wedding, funeral and baptism services, rental facilities, progressive study groups and weekly worship within the United Church tradition.