Sunday Service
We are happy to provide you with worship options. At 10:30 AM meet with us in-person or join us on our
Most Sundays, we gather in the Sanctuary for a worship service that includes progressive theology, story time with the children, a beautiful combination of toe-tapping contemporary and thought provoking traditional music, a Bible reading, a piece of poetry, a reflection that focuses on the theme for the day and offers relevant and challenging "food for thought", and a tremendous sense of fellowship and community.
As an Affirming Ministry, we realize that there are many ways to worship God. We offer worship in a variety of ways that is inclusive, safe, supportive and meaningful for people of all ages.
We come from many different places as individuals but are one in our longing to be whole, to be the best people that we can be, and we are committed to being followers of Jesus. Please join us!