Your Life Events
Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! St. James is pleased to offer an inclusive marriage policy so that all couples are welcome to be married in our Church.
Need More Information?
Download a copy of our wedding brochure and get step-by-step planning for your special day!

Baptism is a sacrament of the United Church of Canada. It uses water as a symbol of God's love and of our welcome within this church family.
Baptism takes place during a regular Sunday service. When children are baptized, their parents or godparents make promises before God and the congregation to raise them in the Christian faith. Adults seeking baptism make the promises themselves. It's a significant commitment to bring a child to church on Sunday so, during a baptism, the congregation also pledges to support parents and their children, and to help with the Christian education of the children.
If you are considering having your child baptized at St. James, we ask that you join us for a service one Sunday morning to ensure that you feel welcome and at home in our midst.